
The seventh year of the Strategic Dialogue
for the Automotive Sector in Baden-Württemberg

I am pleased to be able to present the sixth progress report on the Strategic Dialogue for the Automotive Sector in Baden-Württemberg to you. This report provides updates on our focus areas Vehicles, Data and Energy, and gives an overview of currently running and planned projects and missions.

Our claim is clear: We not only intend to keep pace with the new technologies. We intend to take a leading role within Europe and worldwide. Therefore, I am particularly grateful for the trusting and excellent cooperation that has evolved and developed within the Strategic Dialogue for the Automotive Industry in Baden-Württemberg. Innovations do not evolve in a vacuum. They are created by networks of stakeholders who mutually inspire and encourage each other. This is the only way to not only conceive innovative solutions, but also realize them. And this goes far beyond the goal of being competitive: This is about positioning Baden-Württemberg as a pioneer in the development of a sustainable future. On this mission, we are not alone, we are part of a strong community. This is how we are shaping the future.

Winfried Kretschmann MP
Minister-President of the State of Baden-Württemberg

Portrait von Winfried Kretschmann, Ministerpräsident Baden-Württemberg.
© Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg

Sixth annual progress report 2023

The sixth annual progress report provides an up-to-date overview of the multitude of activities in the Strategic Dialogue for the Automotive Sector in Baden-Württemberg.

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3D Animation, die das gesamte Ökosystem des Transformationsprozess im Automobilsektor darstellt. Im Hintergrund sind mehrere Windräder und Solarpanels, eine große blaue Wolke, die mehrere Datenpakete überträgt, davor stehen ein elektrischer Pkw und Lkw. Im Vordergrund stehen außerdem drei Personen und unterhalten sich.
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