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Zero Emission: Hydrogen Site Lampoldshausen

The project Zero Emission – Hydrogen Site Lampoldshausen at Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt in a special way demonstrates the opportunities that become available through the broad use of hydrogen at an energy-intensive industrial location. The DLR Institute of Space Propulsion has been using hydrogen in test stands for space propulsion systems at its Lampoldshausen site for more than three decades. With its Zero Emission project, the institute is pushing its technology transfer activities for the use of hydrogen in the energy and transport sectors. The know-how of more than 300 experts in engineering, approving, realizing, and operating hydrogen plants is available for this purpose. In addition, the institute cooperates closely with experts from DLR's energy and transport programs.

The activities in the Zero Emission project are particularly aimed at three core topics. Firstly, the expansion of generation capacities for green hydrogen. This will significantly expand the capacities already developed at the Lampoldshausen site in the H2ORIZON project. Secondly, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions under the aspect of achieving a CO2-neutral site. In addition to energy supply, this also addresses site mobility. And thirdly, the expansion of testing activities beyond space travel with partners developing technologies for use in the hydrogen economy. The respective activities will be accompanied by various research questions to provide great added value for the region and beyond. The Zero Emission project is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labor, and Tourism with 16 million euros.

#Energy, Grids and Infrastructures#Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies

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