The driverless, electrically powered vehicle concept U-Shift defines a new type of mobility by separating the drive module from the transport capsule. The drive module can be combined with different types of capsules to transport both people and goods. The capsule is changed quietly, automatically and is independent from changing stations. Special capsules allow various business models and applications – from on-demand buses to parcel delivery services. For utmost cost and resource efficiency, the expensive systems such as the complex technologies needed for driverless mobility are primarily integrated in the drive board. In the course of the U-Shift I project, a rolling mock-up and two capsules were built. With U-Shift II, a fully functional prototype is being built. Research focuses on automation and motion control, chassis with wheel-specific drives, modular battery concepts, service-oriented E/E architecture, and lifting and locking mechanisms for capsule replacement. Citizen participation is part of the technical development.