© Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. / Eppler

INPUT – Intelligent grid connection of parking garages and underground garages

An essential prerequisite for the ramp-up of electromobility is the demand-oriented and comprehensive development of charging infrastructure. Significant concentrations of charging points can be found in parking garages and underground parking garages. The resulting simultaneous charging of many electric vehicles poses new challenges for power grids.

With the help of the funding program INPUT (intelligent grid connection of parking garages and underground garages), pilot projects have been supported since 2019 that have advanced the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles in parking garages, on parking lots and in underground garages, and show the benefits of smart grid connections. In three application rounds, a total of 26 projects will be funded with just under € 8.6 million.

All projects in the funding program were successfully completed by 31.12.2022, demonstrating that intelligent charging systems are already available on the market and in use. Grid integration of electric vehicles is also possible at hotspots without endangering grid stability.

#Energy, Grids and Infrastructures


Funding call 2019:

  • Funding of eight projects successfully completed
  • Funding volume: 2.9 million euros

Funding call 2020:

  • Funding of eleven projects
  • Funding volume: 3.6 million euros

Funding call 2021:

  • Funding of seven projects
  • Funding volume: 2.1 million euros

Funded by