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© TransnetBW

EV-Fleet: E-cars Become Virtual Power Plants

Together with smart-charging provider Jedlix, with Netze BW and Next Kraftwerke, TransnetBW is testing a charging management solution for the smart connection of electric cars to stabilize the power grid.

The goal: to find out whether and how several connected electric cars can form a virtual power plant that would be suitable for use as a control reserve. Transmission system operators use control reserves to compensate unexpected differences between generated and consumed power in the grid and thus ensure system security. The Fraunhofer IEE provides the scientific support for the project.

The pilot test has proven the good controllability of the charging processes of private electric vehicles. A pool of about 100 vehicles successfully met the TransnetBW target requirements. The technical proof of concept for a (secondary) control reserve has thus been provided.

EV-Fleet is also investigating the effects of providing control reserves on the distribution network through another cooperation with Netze BW. This is important in order to control charging processes in the future in a way that when control reserves from electric vehicles are activated, the current conditions of the local distribution networks are also taken into account in order to counter local overloads.

The analyses and results in the EV-Fleet project thus provide important insights with regard to the provision of control reserves by electric vehicles, the necessary communication infrastructure and the reliability of the data, and the consideration of the concerns of the grid operators.

#Energy, Grids and Infrastructures

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