© DLR-FK 2020

Technology Calendar: Visualization and Expansion of Content

The "Technology Calendar" (TKBW) supports strategic decision-making processes of SMEs by visualizing future developments of automotive technologies in a roadmap leading up to 2035. It helps to identify potential development paths, verified by experts, for the current and for future technologies.

The TKBW contents are made available in the form of an interactive web application by Transformationswissen BW. Four major technologies or development paths – electrification, hydrogen, synthetic fuels, and automation – are each represented by the corresponding vehicles.

The assessments made in the TKBW originally represent the state of the art and the expectations regarding future developments from the perspective of 2019. For this reason, the technological developments have been regularly reviewed since 2020 as part of Transformation Knowledge BW and have already been updated several times and expanded to include new technologies. In addition, demand-based additions of technologies as well as additional fields of application and publications expand the TKBW spectrum. The results are published on the project website and in the knowledge base of Transformationswissen BW.


#Vehicle Technology#Knowledge Transfer and Qualification


  • Web application: interactive app with the contents of the technology calendar
  • Compact knowledge: Monitoring of R&D activities in brief studies
  • Supplements: advancement of roadmaps and fact sheets to include additional modules
  • Project partners: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR) – German Aerospace Center – Institute of Vehicle Concepts; touchwert®

Funded by


Dr.-Ing. Stephan A. Schmid

German Aerospace Center (DLR). Institute of Vehicle Concepts, Vehicle Systems and Technology Assessment
 +49 711 6862 533