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Automotive Cybersecurity

The digital vehicle, the software-defined vehicle, is reality. This makes cyber security a key success factor for the stakeholders in the automotive industry. Based on a paper published in 2022 by the Cluster ElectricMobility South-West, the various relevant aspects of cybersecurity over the entire life cycle of a vehicle – from development through production to operation in the field – are to be comprehensively examined in the course of the mission. In an initial workshop, participants from research, industry and the automotive trade sector discussed issues such as the consistency of the legal framework at the international, European and national level, the need to raise awareness among the stakeholders and possible further activities and measures as part of the Strategic Dialogue for the Automotive Sector in Baden-Württemberg.

Parties Involved

  • Ministry of the Interior, Digitalisation and Local Government Baden-Württemberg
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg
  • Daimler Truck AG
  • e-mobil BW GmbH
  • FZI Research Center for Information Technology
  • KIT - Competence Center for Applied Security Technology KASTEL
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Verband des Kraftfahrzeuggewerbes Baden-Württemberg e. V. (VDKBW)
  • ZF Friedrichshafen AG